Ways to Prevent Lippage When Laying Tile

Ways to Prevent Lippage When Laying Tile

Tile lippage is the worst thing that could happen to any installer, expert or beginner. Tiling uneven floor or cheap material can ruin the whole working process if you’re not careful. A standard omission of all the installers is not using a tile leveling system to avoid the lippage. Read the information below to discover how to prevent lippage when laying tile.

What is a Tile Lippage?

A difference between two nearby tiles in their height is called lippage. Put simply, tiles are installed at different levels, and it means that they are placed correctly in width, but not in height. The tile edges difference not only looks terrible, but it also can create the risk of tripping. However, not every tile deformation is a lippage. Generally, the accepted lippage level between two nearby tiles should not exceed 1/16 in, the acceptable lippage isn’t wider than 1/32 in, plus the tile warpage.

Perfectly Level Floor against the Lippage

There are different reasons for tile lippage. The incorrect leveling floor for tile is the most widespread one, particularly among the beginners. So, let’s see how you should level a floor for tile step by step:

  1. Look and find any changes in floor height. Mark all of them with chalk.
  2. You need to identify how deep all the valleys or peaks are. Use a trowel and hold it near the chalk line.
  3. Clean all the dirt and trash from the floor using a brush.
  4. Fill the dips using mortar (fast-drying will be better) using a trowel.
  5. Grind all the peaks using a grinder that makes the floor’s surface perfectly level.
  6. Wait for 24 hours, then ensure that the floor is level. If everything is done well, you can start installing tiles.

How to avoid the lippage

How to Avoid The Lippage When Laying Tile

Eliminating any peaks and deepenings on the surface is the main task before installing. In spite of the floor is level, you are not immune from the lippage because you can still get it due to bumpy tile material. A tile leveling system lowes were created to help with that.

They help fix the tile, ensuring the floor is even while the mortar dries. Of course, there are other things you should take into account in order not to get a lippage:

  • choose tiles with uneven edges: it will let one tile to fit flatly against another;
  • make sure that the adhesive applies evenly and gives adequate coverage for the tiles;
  • create grout joints that hold tiles in their place.

Choosing The Best Tile Leveling System to Prevent Lippage

As it was said in the previous paragraph, the uneven edges are really important against the lippage. The LASH tile leveling system (stands for Level, Align, Space & Hold) is a two-piece spacer tile leveling system for different types of tile designed for quick installation. Due to uneven edges, it helps get rid of the lippage and makes the floor surface perfectly even.